NEWS - Archive
December 30, 2021
Hardstyle MM -Yearmix 2021 - OUT NOW !!
Overdub Records and Brainbox Hardstyle presents the very best Hardstyle Tracks of 2021 in an Epic three hours Yearmix.
D-Block & S-te-Fan - KELTEK Ft. Lindi - Ran-D & D-Sturb Ft. Xception - The Elite - Da Tweekaz - Sound Rush - Bass Modulators - The Prophet - and many more
May 22, 2021
Hardstyle MM Vol. 22 - OUT NOW !!
This is the second Hardstyle Megamix in 2021.
<< Raving till we Die >>
Andy SVGE - D-Block & S-Te-Fan - Code Black - Da Tweekaz - Hard Driver - DJ Isaac - Ran-D - Keltek - Zatox - TNT - The Elite - Devin Wild - and many more
January 10, 2021
Brainbox - Liquid Skys (Original/ Extended Mix)
Here is the next epic Hardstyle- Track of Brainbox. It comes agian in two cool Versions
Watch on Youtube
November 29, 2020
Brainbox - Hustler by Nature (Original/ Vocal Mix)
The next Hardstyle- Track, produced by Brainbox comes in two versions.
The Original Mix and the cool Vocal Mix.
Watch on Youtube
October 16, 2021
Hardstyle MM Vol. 24 - OUT NOW !!
This is the fourth Hardstyle Megamix in 2021.
<< Straight goin´ on >>
Kronos & Adaro - D-Block & S-te-Fan- Audiotricz - Primeshock & Villain - Brennan Heart - Bass Modulators - KELTEK - The Elite - TNT - and many more
March 12, 2021
Brainbox in the Mix - DBSTF Special
Overdub Records presents
Brainbox in the Mix - DBSTF Special (D-Block & S-Te-Fan - Tribute Megamix) (2017-2021)
Here come a very Special Mix of all Tracks of D-Block & S-Te-Fan since 2017. Mixed by Brainbox. As I am a big fan of dbstf, I would like to honor both of them in this great mix. Enjoy and press like if you like it.
Watch on Youtube
December 29, 2020
Hardstyle MM -Yearmix 2020 - OUT NOW !!
Overdub Records and Brainbox Hardstyle presents the very best Hardstyle Tracks of 2020 in an Epic three hours Yearmix.
Noisecontrollers - Atmozfears - B-Front - Keltek - D-Block & S-Te-Fan - Da Tweekaz - Sound Rush - Bass Modulators - Wildstylez - Zatox - The Elite - and many more
Listen on Mixcloud
November 7, 2020
Brainbox - Enter the Sphere (Original Mix)
This is the second Hardstyle- Track by Brainbox.
Watch on Youtube
July 18, 2021
Hardstyle MM Vol. 23 - OUT NOW !!
This is the third Hardstyle Megamix in 2021.
<< This is just the Beginning >>
Brennan Heart - Keltek - Hard Driver - Code Black - Ran-D - Sephyx - D-Block & S-Te-Fan - Harris & Ford x Outsiders - Primeshock - Rebelion - Zatox - and many more
December 8, 2020
Hardstyle MM Vol. 20 - OUT NOW !!
Overdub Records presents the last Hardstyle Megamix in 2020.
<< Get up and Dance! >>
Hardstyle Megamix Vol. 20 (Mixed by Brainbox)
Ran-D & Hard Driver - D- Block & S-Te-Fan & Villain - TNT & Ruffneck - Keltek - The Prophet - Brainbox - Da Tweekaz - Zatox - and many more
Listen on Mixcloud
November 1, 2020
Brainbox - Play it Hard (Extended Mix)
This is the first Hardstyle- Track, produced by Brainbox
Watch on Youtube

Hardstyle MM Vol. 19 - OUT NOW !!
September 17, 2020
Overdub Records presents you the third Hardstyle Megamix in 2020.
Hardstyle Megamix Vol. 19 (Mixed by Brainbox)
D-Block & S-Te-Fan - Rebelion - Toneshifterz - Psyko Punkz & Coone & Keltek - Wildstylez - The Prophet - Hard Driver - The Elite - Da Tweekaz - and many more

Hardstyle MM Vol. 18 - OUT NOW !!
May 29, 2020
Overdub Records presents you the second Hardstyle Megamix in 2020.
Hardstyle Megamix Vol. 18 (Mixed by Brainbox)
Sound Rush - Wildstylez & Da Tweekaz - Myst - Demi Kanon - Ghost Stories - Primeshock - Adaro - Hard Driver - Ran-D - Technoboy - and many more

Hardstyle MM Vol. 17 - OUT NOW !!
March 06, 2020
Overdub Records presents the first Hardstyle Mix in 2020.
Hardstyle Megamix Vol. 17 (Mixed by Brainbox)
Frontliner - Hard Driver - Tatanka - Zatox - D-Block & S-Te-Fan - DJ Isaac - Psyko Punkz - Coone - KELTEK - Ghost Stories - Audiotricz - Brennan Heart - Noisecontrollers - Wildstylez - and many more

Hardstyle MM Vol. 16 - OUT NOW !!
December 28, 2019
Overdub Records presents the last Hardstyle Mix in 2019.
<< Straight Going On >>
Hardstyle Megamix Vol. 16 (Mixed by Brainbox)
Keltek - Ghost Stories & D-Block & S-Te-Fan - Sound Rush - Coone - B-Front - Atmozfears - Ran-D & Endymion ft. LePrince - Frontliner - Da Tweekaz - Angerfist & Miss K8 - and many more

Hardstyle MM Vol. 15 - OUT NOW !!
September 28, 2019
Overdub Records presents the fourth Hardstyle Mix in 2019.
<< Feel the Bass >>
Hardstyle Megamix Vol. 15 (Mixed by Brainbox)
Toneshifterz - Headhunterz - DJ Isaac - Da Tweekaz - Noisecontrollers - The Prophet - TNT - Andy SVGE - Wildstylez - Guns for Hire - D-Block & S-Te-Fan - Angerfist - and many more

New Overdub Records Logo
September 06, 2019
On this Day, we´ll presents the new Logo for the Overdub Records Germany Label. In addition, the website with the new logo will be adapted.

Hardstyle MM Vol. 14 - OUT NOW !!
July 16, 2019
This is the third Hardstyle Mix in 2019.
<< Ready to Rave >>
Hardstyle Megamix Vol. 14 (Mixed by Brainbox)
Alan Walker - Coone - Keltek - D-Block & S-Te-Fan - Headhunterz - Noisecontrollers - Mandy - Hard Driver - Atmosfearz - Frontliner - Da Tweekaz - TNT - The Prophet - and many more

Hardstyle MM Vol. 10 - OUT NOW !!
July 01, 2018
The tenth Hardstyle Mix is Out Now. And the Party´s goin´ on !!.
Hardstyle Megamix vol. 10 (Mixed by Brainbox)
Da Tweekaz - Zatox - Atmozfears - Psyko Punkz - Noisecontrollers - Project One - Wasted Penguinz - Brennan Heart - Hard Driver - Coone - D-Block & S-Te-Fan- and many more
- Ron

Hardstyle MM Vol. 9 - OUT NOW !!
March 03, 2018
The nineth Hardstyle Mix is Out Now. Make it Louder !!.
Hardstyle Megamix vol. 9 (Mixed by Brainbox)
Robert Miles - Coone - Bass Modulators - D-Block & S-Te-Fan - Da Tweekaz - Demi Kanon - Sub Zero Project - D-Sturb & Nolz - Project One - The Prophet - Noisecontrollers - Zatox - and many more
- Ron

Hardstyle MM Vol. 8 - OUT NOW !!
December 02, 2017
The eight Hardstyle Mix is Out Now. So enjoy the big phat bass.
Hardstyle Megamix vol. 8 (Mixed by Brainbox)
Technoboy & Tuneboy & Issac - The Prophet - Toneshifterz - Da Tweekaz - Headhunterz - Lost Freqencies & Nesky - Hardwell - Hard Driver - Wildstylez - Zany - and many more
- Ron
Hardstyle MM Vol. 7 - OUT NOW !!
October 02, 2017
The Seventh Hardstyle Mix is Out Now. And the Party keeps going on.
Hardstyle Megamix vol. 7 (Mixed by Brainbox)
Technoboy & Tuneboy - Zatox - The Rebelz - D-Block & S-Te-Fan - Noisecontrollers - Atmozfears - Wasted Penguins - Coone - and many more
- Ron
New Electro Mix
May 12, 2016
Electric Soundworkx Volume Two - OUT NOW !!
Nachdem 2011 der erste Electro-Mix kam, kommt nun endlich Volume zwei.
Vollgepackt mit geilen Electro und EDM Tracks.
Check it out!!
After 2011, the first electro mix came , now finally arrives Volume Two .
Packed with hot Electro and EDM tracks.
Check it out !!
- Ron

Overdub Records bei Twitter
March 22, 2016

Neue Webseite
March 15, 2016
Um mit der Zeit zu gehen, habe ich mich entschlossen, die Webseite www.overdub-records.de
durch eine neue modernere zu ersetzen.
Diese wird allerdings nicht so umfangreich ausfallen, wie die alte.
Hier wird es ab sofort nur noch die wichtigsten Informationen rund um Overdub Records geben.
To move with the times , I decided that www.overdub-records.de be replaced by a new modern . This will however not be as extensive as the old . There will be only the most important information about Overdub Records now.
- Ron
Erster Hardstyle Mix 2016
January 06, 2016
Hardstyle Megamix Vol.1 (Mixed by Brainbox)
Der erste Hardsyte Megamix im Jahr 2016. Vollgepackt mit den angesagtesten Hardstyle- Tracks der letzten Wochen.
Listen - Feel - Enjoy !
The first Hardsyte Megamix in 2016. Packed with the hottest Hardstyle- tracks of the last weeks.
Listen - Feel - Enjoy !
- Ron
Erster Hardstyle Mix von "Brainbox"
November 06, 2015
180 min Hardstyle Megamix (Mixed by Brainbox aka Ron Bee)
Bisher gab es Hardstyle Mixe nur von Ron Bee.
Ab sofort sind die Mixe von "Brainbox".
Den Anfang macht ein 180 Minuten special Hardstyle Megamix.
Listen - Feel - Enjoy !
Previously there were only Hardstyle mixes by Ron Bee .
Now the mixes will be Mixed by "Brainbox".
It starts with a 180 minutes special Hardstyle Megamix.
Listen - Feel - Enjoy !
- Ron

Brainbox is Born
October 31, 2015
Es gibt bei Overdub Records ab sofort ein neues Projekt für den Bereich HARDSTYLE.
Das bedeutet, dass ich Hardstyle-Mix nur noch mit Brainbox produziere.
Dazu gibt es auch eine neue Facebook-Seite. Klickt einfach auf den Button.
Ron Bee bleibt natürlich weiterhin erhalten. Wird allerdings nur noch für den Hands Up bereich verwendet.
Die Neuerung soll etwas Ordnung zwischen den einzelnen Musikstilen bringen.
There is at Overdub Records now a new Project for the HARDSTYLE Area.
This means that I produce Hardstylemixes only with the new Brainbox Name.
There is also a new Facebook page . Just click on the button .
The Name Ron Bee course will still be performed.
But it will only used for Hands Up Mixes.
The innovation is to bring some order between the different musical styles.
- Ron